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Road Safety Centre

As of 6 May 2024 construction work will commence on the mock roadway located in Bonython Park to accommodate the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital build. As a result, our Road Safety Centre will be unable to accommodate road safety sessions at the Centre that include the use of the mock roadway. Our road safety educators will still be available to attend off site locations across the state. The mock roadway continues to be available for public use, however, power may be switched off during that time, affecting traffic lights, the pedestrian crossing, school crossing and railway crossing. It is anticipated that the new SAPOL Road Safety Centre at West Beach will be operating from October 2024. Read more about the relocation project. To book a SAPOL road safety education program phone 8207 6923 or email SAPOL.RoadSafetySection@police.sa.gov.au

The new Road Safety Centre will be located at 1 Military Road, West Beach and will offer road safety education sessions to schools, businesses and community groups. Find out more information on the road safety sessions offered by the Road Safety Centre on the road safety session page.

The Road Safety Centre also produces fact sheets, posters and other resources to promote the Fatal Five and to assist in the promotion of road safety.

SAPOL Road Safety Ambassador - Holly Scott

Ms Holly Scott has been announced as SAPOL’s first Road Safety Ambassador which will see her work closely with SAPOL’s Road Safety Section to share her story with a particular focus on Year 11 students. Her powerful road safety message will be used to highlight the ongoing trauma suffered by those involved in a serious crash.

In 2017 Holly was involved in a serious car crash that nearly claimed her life. At the time of the crash Holly was only 22 years old. She spent 15 days in a coma before moving to Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre where she had to learn how to walk and talk again.

When you hear Holly talk about how her car wrapped around that tree, how her then-boyfriend found her and the horrific injuries she sustained – it makes it all chillingly real. But when you see the extent of her broken body in x-rays, the hard-to-see photos, and gut-wrenching videos – you get the full picture of what a momentary lapse on the road can do to a life….to a family’s life….to a community…and you get the true sense of Holly’s remarkable fighting spirit.

It’s these very personal visuals and messages that she hopes will resonate with young drivers, indeed all drivers, to change their mindset about driving so they are alert drivers who are vigilant every time they get behind the wheel.

Holly and her father Richard will feature in SAPOL’s Safer Journey’s Together – Learner Driver and Supervising Driver Awareness Road Safety Session. This session is aimed at young people about to obtain their driver’s licence and their parents/guardians who will be supervising their driving. Holly will also be speaking to Year 11 students as part of SAPOL’s Road Safety Centre youth driver education session. The session includes information on the graduated licensing scheme, fatal five, crash statistics, choices, risks and consequences and Holly’s story.

The Road Safety Centre provides lifelong road safety education sessions to the South Australian community. All road safety sessions are FREE and can be booked by calling 8207 6923 or email SAPOL.RoadSafetySection@police.sa.gov.au.

Volunteering opportunities

Volunteers are central to the success of the Road Safety Centre and we are always looking for new volunteers to join our team.

Volunteers provide assistance and support with the delivery of road safety school sessions at the Road Safety Centre. Volunteers work weekdays (including school holidays) to assist the team of police officers (road safety educators) deliver the programs to students who attend the Centre from across the state. A session typically involves a classroom presentation followed by a practical session on the mock roadway.

Download the Volunteering at the Road Safety Centre flyer to find out more.